Access 2 to sponsor IAI AGM and awards in Feb

IAI AGM & Awards


The IAI AGM and Awards is all about celebrating the outstanding individuals we have in the industry and using their experiences to inspire the next generation of ironmongers.

Taking place in the Park Royal Hotel, Warrington from 22nd to 24th Feb, the event is a must-visit for all the industry.

The 2019 IAI AGM and Awards will offer a thought-provoking programme with multiple options of collecting CPD points from a choice of seminars, hear about further developments with One Future Vision and of course celebrate the recognised achievements of individuals at the awards dinner.


Each entry is judged by the Institute Executive Committee based on the quality of entries and testimonials. It’s not a popularity vote – a single submission with compelling details on an individual’s career and accomplishments will do better than 10 entries for an individual which all just say ‘great person’.

Access2 is looking forward to the AGM and is keen to support these prestigious awards, so we will be sponsoring the Saturday lunch buffet. If you are attending we look forward to seeing you there.

View the full programme