Stocktaking dates for your diary
Stocktaking dates for your diary.
We offer a wide range of products and promise rapid turnaround on orders, so it’s vital we know exactly what we’ve got and where it’s located.
We wish we could carry out a stock take without altering our normal business arrangements, but unfortunately, that just doesn’t work. Instead, we’ll keep the disruption to a minimum and get the job done swiftly by closing for business for a couple of days towards the end of this month.
The dates for your diary:
We will be stocktaking on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June
Last dispatch for cylinders orders: Monday 27th June
Last dispatch for key orders: Tuesday 28th June
The business will re-open as normal Friday 1st July
We’re sorry for any inconvenience but hope that by letting you know in advance, you can get your orders in earlier to avoid disappointment.
Thanks for understanding.